- TPS (Technical Petroleum Services, Ltd) specialises in geohydrological and spatial technologies. The company aims to be the preferred partner in the application of spatial technologies for the improved utilisation, protection and management of groundwater resources and the natural environment. TPS is also committed to joint project collaboration, training and mentoring.
- Geohydrology
- Groundwater exploration (aerial photography and imagery interpretation, geophysical surveys for borehole siting, geological mapping)
- Groundwater development (borehole drilling and test pumping supervision and analysis)
- Groundwater management, protection and monitoring (analysis and recommendations)
- Integrated environmental studies utilising groundwater
- Groundwater modelling and analysis
- Spatial technologies
- Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
- Remote Sensing (RS)
- Database and geodatabase design
- Data capture (spatial, attribute and temporal)
- Data analysis and processing
- Data presentation (via desktop applications, figures or maps)
- Training and mentorship